Frequently Asked Questions

How do your services compare to other companies in the area?
Dave and Mike Lucena are second generation construction guys raised buy an old school superintendant father with 50 + years experience in heavy construction. We each bring his old school teachings with modern technology that provides attention to detail , unmatched work ethics, and experience that allows the quality workmanship you can expect with every job done.

Do you charge for estimates?
We offer no obligation, free estimates.

What types of locations do you work on?
Residential Homes , Commercial properties, Industry, Municipal and State projects.

How does your pricing work?
For Residents, Commercial ,and Industrial we will come to your property and evaluate the work with you. We can sometimes quote a price on the spot, or provide a written proposal in the mail. Public projects require competitive bidding.

Do you offer any type of warranty or insurance?
All of our work comes with a one year warranty.

How fast can I expect your work to be done?
Generally Residential projects are scheduled once a signed proposal is in hand.   Usually start in two weeks or less.